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  • EXCLUSIVE: 24% of people believe that skills on VR and AR are in the shortest supply in the UK tech sector

EXCLUSIVE: 24% of people believe that skills on VR and AR are in the shortest supply in the UK tech sector

The Immersive Wire - 10 April 2023 (Monday Briefing)

Executive summary

Welcome to your weekly briefing on the metaverse. Here are your snippets to sound smarter in meetings this week:

Italy is lovely this year - Italian heat hits different compared to the UK. Also, I joined the MetaCast to chat nonsense for half an hour, and spoke to the Drum about metaverse metrics. 

Tom Ffiske, Editor of the Immersive Wire


EXCLUSIVE: TechNET Immersive found that 24% of people believe that skills on VR and AR are in the shortest supply in the UK tech sector.

  • Additionally, 44% of XR professionals feel that advanced automation and middleware tools will help them in their roles in 2023.

  • What can we learn from this? As the survey looked across immersive and gaming sectors, it’s perhaps reflective of the difficulty finding talented people who can work in the immersive scene. I’ve found from speaking to founders that a lot of time goes towards finding the right people (or even just anyone, in select cases). But I’ve also found a flurry of students who approach me, wanting to learn the necessary skills but having no idea where to start - it’s an opaque process.

  • What is the solution? I believe that bootcamp/apprentice/university courses need to do a better job of penetrating student circles, to showcase the value of learning immersive tech skills. I’m surprised by the lack of awareness. Plus, it’s been revealed that select Meta employees earn very, very good money building these types of applications, which is a great motivator for ambitious students.

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  • Headonists, a UK-based XR community, is looking to compile XR-related events within a single calendar. The calendar itself can be found here, and the submission is here.