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  • Meta rebukes claims that the development of the Quest Pro 2 is not going ahead

Meta rebukes claims that the development of the Quest Pro 2 is not going ahead

The Immersive Wire - 24 July 2023 (Monday Briefing)

This is a larger edition encompassing stories from this and last week, as I come back from a holiday in the USA. Enjoy!

Executive summary

Welcome to your weekly briefing on the metaverse. Here are your snippets to sound smarter in meetings this week:

  • Headline: Meta rebukes claims that the development of the Quest Pro 2 is not going ahead.

  • Regulation: The European Commission unveiled a plan to lead on virtual worlds (analysis below).

  • Open call: Virtual Architects has a call for immersive tech projects. 

  • Conversation-starter: /r/VRChat is clashing with Reddit on the NSFW label, in a strange story from The Metaculture.  

They said everything in the USA is bigger - they were not wrong. Also, it was lovely to join the XR Star podcast recently.

Tom Ffiske, Editor of the Immersive Wire


The European Commission unveiled a plan to lead on virtual worlds.

  • Why now? The Commission wants to ensure that European companies can compete in the emerging area while ensuring larger ones cannot stifle competition and development.

  • Basically, the plan involves bringing parties to make a thriving ecosystem, alongside regulatory areas and skills to focus on. Metaverse.EU did a great piece of analysis which goes into further detail.

Other notable stories

Got any stories? Let me know at tom (at) immersivewire (dot) com.

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Need some assistance from other readers? Let me know at tom (at) immersivewire (dot) com.

  • Jake Donaldso, a VR and Unity developer, is currently available for new projects. With over 6 years of experience in VR and Unity, Jake can help bring your games and experiences to life. You can view Jake's work and contact him through his website.

  • Metaverse Monday is another weekly newsletter that teaches you about the AR/VR industry by interviewing the founders, investors and developers building it. Join readers from Google, a16z and Nvidia - Check it out here.
