What do devs think of the Vision Pro?

The Immersive Wire - 29 January 2024 (Monday Briefing)

Executive summary

Welcome to your weekly briefing on the metaverse and spatial computing. Here are your snippets to sound smarter in meetings this week:

The new Stranger Things play in London is surprisingly scary. Mostly because I despise jump scares.

Tom Ffiske, Editor of the Immersive Wire


Developer interest in the Apple Vision Pro is positive, not negative.

  • What types of apps are most popular? I spoke to Unity who dropped the range in development: “In addition to gaming, we're also seeing enthusiasm from other industries like auto manufacturers, health and wellness and more who are pushing the boundaries of customer experience and interaction.”

  • I also spoke to a few developers and the sentiment seems positive, overall. Some are starting small. Contxtual, a user experience agency, is making a small app to compile a variety of volumetric experiences, all focused on useful ambient information visualisations. Meanwhile, Sandblox is a mixed reality game focused on collaborative creation of physics-based courses and puzzles. Many companies are building a smaller-scale experience on the side, then releasing on the new platform to see how it performs.

  • The question is whether they will stick around after Autumn of this year.

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Note: The Immersive Wire is run by Tom Ffiske, who also works within Accenture’s metaverse group. The contents of the newsletter should not be regarded as Accenture’s views.